Tricks to Save Money for an Expensive Purchase You Don’t Want to Skip

Tricks to Save Money for an Expensive Purchase You Don't Want to Skip

Although you have a promising income, you cannot handle the expenses. In other cases, you may suffer more severely from this problem when you are underpaid.

In such circumstances, gathering enough cash to make an expensive purchase might seem a little troublesome for you. Chances are you have missed out on the deal already. To prevent this from happening and to make that purchase for good, you can read this blog and help yourself with a few smart money-saving tricks.

  Why a Separate Money-Saving Goal for Expensive Purchases?

Let’s discuss this point with an example. Suppose you have to buy a gaming laptop within two years, and you are doing it to stream your gameplay online. You may stick to borrowing money from your savings account. Or you can start saving money by alternating the main saving habits for more critical causes in the future (such as retirement).

In both ways, your saving goal is affected or, at least, changed. It might compromise your money or your lifestyle. Plus, it can direct your savings for your future in a way you don’t want.

This is why saving money separately is always a good idea for making an expensive purchase or any purchase. For personal or business-related reasons, little savings made separately will keep your finances steady and unaltered. Here are some of the advanced ways you can save your money for such a purchase:

1.  Use the 50/20/30 Rule Differently

The 50/20/30 rule is great when it comes to making more improvements in your personal savings. It is a great way to organise your finances. Additionally, it can offer you a clear view of where you are standing when your savings goals, as well as the expenses, are concerned.

The rule states to use 50% of your income for unavoidable expenses such as food and water; other resources; accommodation; utility bills; education etc. 20% of your income is put into savings while the other 30% is used for refreshment and rejuvenation purposes such as entertainment.

You can make an adjustment in the category of entertainment costs. We often spend more on entertainment than we need. Evaluate your requirements and make small adjustments to spend less money on entertainment. You can use 20% in entertainment costs and save the rest 10% for your expensive purchases. You can also go the 50-50 way by using 15% for entertainment and saving the rest 15% for purchase deposits.

You don’t have to do it for long, though. After you have made your purchase, you can come back to your original 50/20/30 rule. Think about it and save money.

2.  Start Earning Separately for Your Purchase

It can be a great idea if you keep your main saving goals intact and keep earning separately to make your purchase. Of course, you need to be more informed about the price rate and the purchase needs in this way.

It is always a good idea to stick to part-time or freelancing to earn a good salary as a side hustle. If you can manage to save the whole salary for your purchase, then chances are you can make it even faster.

Sometimes, you may offer your employer to work part-time or extra to earn money. However, you must keep good track of it. Save the money either in your home or in your bank account but keep a good eye over the numbers.

3.  Use an Offbeat Method

People usually consolidate debts in this way, and that is called the snowballing method. Although it is a much-appreciated way of consolidating debts, you can use it to save money for a more significant purchase.

This method means paying back the money in smaller amounts first and then increasing the amount with time. Translate this method to your savings by saving a small amount of money and then increasing it every time you get your salary or make a profitable business revenue. Surprisingly, you can raise the fund for that expensive purchase very soon. It might also be quicker than what you expected.

4. Choose Making a High-Yield Savings Account

It is indeed an exciting thing that high-yield savings accounts offer us the privilege of saving a lot of money. However, only some of us go forward to make it. If you choose to do so, you can make good money out of it, and your expensive purchase will get easier.

A savings account of this kind will earn interest for you. Make it separately, keeping the purchase you have in mind. Do talk to the financial institution to learn when you can withdraw the amount of money you want from it. Be transparent with your purpose and do not conceal information from the providers. You need to know when you can draw the money from the account in order to make your purchase, right?

  • Look for Additional Financial Support or an Alternative

If you need to make the purchase within a short period and it has unavoidable value in your life, then you can look for financial help or choose to go for an alternative.

Many use benefits or apply for financial help from governments or organisations. They are good ways to get money. You need to go through some initial paperwork and other processes to get the money.

However, if you need a quicker solution, then choose online loans in Ireland. These loans are simple unsecured loans with no collateral needs. If you take them out from a direct lender organisation, then you may gain the money in a day.

A private lender loan like this can work as an alternative or as additional financial support for the buyer. With these loans by your side, you can make a purchase whenever you want. Most of these loans are repaid by your income. Therefore, you may use the plans mentioned above to repay your lender smartly. You can also get them with a poor credit rating. For that, search for no credit checks from Ireland lenders.

  • To Conclude: Don’t Forget to Budget

It is vital that you work accordingly to budget well for your purchase. Take time to learn the actual price of the product/ service you want to buy and plan to save money wisely. It will help you be organised in your purchase and focus more on the other essential tasks in life.

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